IT was hard for me at the start I was not good at doing exercise but knew I had to do it so I started just walking going as far as I could once a day . As time went on I got better and went farther on my walking and after the loss of 50lbs. I started to do exercise . with the help of yard sales I put together my own Gym . a treadmill , stationary bike and a cardio device and some dumb bells I had what I needed to work out . being in a truck you don't have much room for equipment so I carried dumb bells and walked during the week and did a three time a day weekend work out when I got home.
The stationary bike like this works well get one with the arm Styx's it will help work your upper body don't try to go fast but a steady even pace going for distance and duration . their is talk about buying bikes and put one on your truck , well sadly I tried to get on one and ride but could not balance and the tires went flat . this can work later on but if your like I was wait till you loose weight before you try it.
The treadmill walking is key and this will help you learn how to pace yourself never try running at the start the idea is to do even steady pace movements that increase as you go along
The cardio machine this thing works with resistance you can adjust as you go and helps work the whole body in one motion . buying new can be expansive but many people pay big bucks on things and after time get out put in yard sales for pennies on the dollar . :-)
Resistance bar's is good and you can take them along in your truck the arm and leg weights help to the blue thing on my waist is a belt that makes your belly sweat you can find all that at sporting centers and not to expensive . dumb bells and kettle balls etc..